Meet Aerie fam photographer, Alex Albeck! We caught up to Alex to talk shop and ask for advice on achieving the dream job she rocks every day: fashion photographer!

Tell us about your role and what attracted you to the brand and industry?
I’m a photographer for Aerie and OFFLINE!
What I like about this industry, as opposed to other photography outlets, is I really like working with a team, interacting with talent and playing around in different environments. While I’ve always enjoyed photographing locations or performances or products, it’s working creatively, coming up with an idea, and emulating a mindset that I enjoy the most.

How did you get into fashion photography and when did you realize this is what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?
I really enjoyed college and got a lot out of my experience there. The fashion and portraiture photography classes were by far my favorite so I ran with it. I was able to reach out to local models and makeup artists, and then collaborate with them. Those creative collaborations ended up getting me a bunch of connections in the field and I grew a ton by just trial and error of these tiny self produced shoots.
It’s a boys club 100%. There were many times I went to freelance projects and was met by confusion when they realized I was a female.
What are some of the challenges you face in your role? What challenges did you face in becoming a photographer?
It’s a boys club 100%. There were many times I went to freelance projects and was met by confusion when they realized I was a female. My name being Alex really worked out well for me in that regard, but it’s an ongoing challenge. Another challenge I face a lot is trying to constantly produce interesting work (besides what I’m able to accomplish through Aerie). Most of us are consuming media through apps like Instagram, and you really have a fraction of a second to peak someone’s interest. One of the best parts about the industry is how everything is always evolving, but that’s also one of the biggest challenges. The photography trends from even a few years ago (gel color lights and 80s star filter highlights) is already a pretty dated look.

One of the best parts about the industry is how everything is always evolving, but that’s also one of the biggest challenges.
What do you shoot with personally and at work?
In the studio we shoot with a variety of Canon bodies, and on location we shoot with a Canon R5 which is an incredible camera. It’s a known irritation in the photography world to shoot something and have someone say, “That looks great! You must have an amazing camera!” … but when shooting with an R5, they’re probably right.

Where do you get the most inspo from?
My friends! I’m extremely lucky to be surrounded by inspired and artistic individuals. And Pinterest. Duh.
What was your favorite Aerie shoot?
I would have to say Holiday 2021 which we shot in Colorado. Having the backdrop of the mountains was incredible.

What advice do you have for someone looking to be a fashion photographer?
Just have at it and have fun with it. Don’t think you have to get a degree because experience is significantly more important. Keep your presence on social media active and exciting and make as many connections as you can. My mother always said that talent is a dime a dozen, but someone that has their finger on the pulse of the industry and is relentless—can get really far.

How has your experience been working with Aerie?
I genuinely love Aerie so much. What you see and the message we try to portray is very real. I’ve never been surrounded by so many individuals who genuinely want to see you succeed and do well. I’ve always felt safe expressing opinions and am so grateful to be a part of this powerful, brave, and supportive team.

A huge shoutout to Alex for sharing her amazing story and advice! What was your favorite part and what jobs do you want to learn about next in our #AerieREAL Shop Talk series, Aerie fam? Let us know in the comments.
Great post! I wish Aerie would talk more about what it takes, and how to apply to join their company at the cooperate level in creative positions like these. Is there a job post (where can you find it? Linkedin, Indeed, Monster Jobs), do you need to know someone working at the company to be referred for a position or do you send a link to your IG or website portfolio? There’s a lot of aspiring talent out there who would love to work for a company like Aerie beyond the storefront level, myself included. It’d be great to know how to get there.