This #AerieREAL Reads pick was an obvious one for #AerieREAL Role Model, YouTuber & Motivational Speaker, Molly Burke: her very own audiobook It’s Not What It Looks Like. Hear from Molly about creating her book, & share your thoughts with your Aerie fam in the comments section.

What inspired you to create your audiobook?

I wasn’t quite ready to write a memoir and share my whole life story, but I did want to share pieces of it. This audiobook shares things that I’ve never discussed on my YouTube channel or as a motivational speaker. It was a vulnerable feeling sharing these sensitive, embarrassing, or radical ideas in general and audiobook form just felt right. It’s personal, it’s one-on-one, and it felt important to me to discuss the topics that I did in a more intimate way.

We know and love your honesty in your social posts and on your YouTube channel. Does your book add to that, or show a different side to you?

I’ve always been a very real and honest person, but the audiobook takes it to the next level. I discuss a lot of things that I’ve been too scared to talk about in other ways, but felt safe doing so in the audiobook. Thankfully, the reaction to the “secrets” or controversial opinions I shared has been overwhelmingly positive.

What do you hope readers take away from your story?

There is SO much I hope people learn from this, it’s hard to summarize. I want them to learn about my past and what makes me who I am. I want them to learn about service dogs and the harm that’s being done to our community through the use of fake service dogs or misuse of ESA’s. I want them to learn about the medical model of disability verses the social model of disability and how to build confident leaders. I want them to learn how to love themselves, and walk the journey of recovery. I want them to know that no matter what, there is no challenge you can’t overcome. I want them to understand the power they have in their own lives, and to find hope in the darkest of moments. I want them to learn whatever it is that they needed to learn from my story.

As you’re listening to It’s Not What It Looks Like or if you’ve already finished, we want to know what you think! Can you relate to any of the experiences that Molly shared in her book? How do you overcome challenges when faced with tough times? Share your thoughts with your Aerie fam below.

Happy listening!


  1. Katie Voss

    I love Molly so much! She is such an inspiration to everyone. I am so glad she got this opportunity to work with Arie which she absolutely loves! Keep up the amazing work girl!😉

  2. Nia

    I love Molly and I am currently listening to her audiobook for the 3rd time!💜

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