Feelings change. Bodies change. We’re changing with you. Finding a bra you love should be empowering. That’s why we’ve created a new bra fitting experience. We spoke with the Lead of Store Operations, Christina Daniels, about the experience. Read on to see why you should head to your local Aerie store for a free bra fitting from one of our BFF’s (Best Fit Finders).
Tell us about the new bra fitting experience in store! What makes it different from anything Aerie girls have experienced before?
I think one of the problems is the stereotype behind bra fittings. We did A TON of research as a brand and our girl was saying it was overwhelming, she felt super critical of her body, she was anxious and overall it was just unpleasant. But when you have a good, comfortable bra (and an awesome bra fitting experience)- you feel Ah-mazing and that is what we want for every girl. And I worked in stores too- there is seriously no better feeling than changing a woman’s confidence by just helping her with a bra. It is one of the reasons I’ve been with the brand for so long!
Our new BFF (Best Fit Finder) measuring technique is so quick & easy! Tell us more.
I am SO EXCITED for this tape. Usually you see associates kind of fumbling and trying to do quick math with the measuring tape (which I am seriously terrible at so I feel their pain), but those days are gone. This tape tells you EXACTLY what your band size is and what your cup size is –no math required. It also tells you your sister size, which is a game changer. For those that don’t know what a sister size is, it is a comparable bra size to the one you measured. It holds the same amount of breast tissue but the band size differs. So sometimes girls find a better fit with their sister size, but this info is also good to know if your measured size in your fave color is sold out and feel like your heart can’t go on without it, in which case, again, I can relate.
What is a BFF?
When you say “BFF” you probably think of someone supportive, honest, fun and understanding. So our Aerie BFFs, or Best Fit Finders, are exactly that. They are the best of the best in our stores (I clearly like the word “best”). These are our associates that have a ton of experience and are truly the bra fitting pros. They know all of the in’s and out’s of our collection, fitting and troubleshooting. So if you are in store looking for a fitting- look for the girls with “BFF” on their name badge + booty bag (our new fanny packs)!
How is the #AerieREAL love being shared by our BFFs throughout the bra fitting experience? (ie. body project training)
This new experience is quick and easy, but our goal is to have you leave feeling more confident and more beautiful than when you walked in. We know shopping for intimates is a super vulnerable experience- and we’ve all been there. So we’ve armed our associates with some tools to help make you feel good. We’ve trained associates to take the focus off of the number and size and just focus on how she feels. Sometimes your bra is the first thing you want to take off, but that shouldn’t be the case! At the end of the day- we want her to feel good and more importantly, feel comfortable. We’ve also given associates training on what to do if they are hearing customers feeling insecure and how associates can combat it. Working in stores, you have women whose bodies have changed, they gained or lost weight, just had a baby or have just gone through puberty- associates need to be comfortable handling all of that and the emotions that come along with it. We’ve also amped up the information we’ve given associates on our bra collection so they can truly help find you the right bra to make you feel good.
What would you say to someone who is nervous about coming into our store to get a bra fitting for the first time?
“Just do it”- Nike, but also…me. Bra Fittings are more fun and easy than what you probably have pictured in your head. A fitting is truly key to finding your best most comfortable size and style. Plus our Aerie associates are seriously so amazing. I have been in a ton of stores these past few months working on this new training program and it astounds me how passionate each and every associate is. They are going to find you a bra you’ll love and have you walking out feelin’ like Beyonce. So seriously, just do it.
Can’t make it to the store? Order your fave styles online with free shipping and free returns when you buy a bra or bralette.
Feel good inside and out.