#AerieREAL Life

DIY coconut hanging planter

It’s a world of amazing! Instead of buying your next planter, celebrate Earth Day and give back to your world by reusing a coconut shell and making your own. DIY Hanging Coconut Planter WHAT YOU NEED: WHAT TO DO:
  1. One of the three holes in every coconuts is soft. Locate the soft one by prodding it with a screwdriver, then drain all of the coconut water, giving your ‘planter’ a drainage hole.
  2. Locate the seam on the coconut and split the coconut in half using a knife.
  3. Microwave the coconut for 1-2 minutes to easily remove all of the meat.
  4. Save the meat for cooking or toast it in the oven and top it on your fave ice cream.
  5. Cut 6 pieces of string about 3’ long and tie them together.
  6. Section off the string into three sections, and a few inches down—tie off a section, add a bead and tie off again.
  7. Repeat step 4 until all sections are beaded and tied.
  8. Place coconut snuggly into your planter.
  9. Add a layer of small rocks for drainage.
  10. Layer on soil and your succulent.
  11. Hang it up!
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